# FluentCRM Database Schema
FluentCRM Core AdvancedFluentCRM use custom database tables to store all the CRM data. Here are the list of database tables and it's schema to understand overall database design and related data attributes of each model.
# Schema Design

# Database Tables
# _fc_subscribers Table
This table store the basic information of a contact
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
user_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
hash | varchar(90) NULL | |
contact_owner | bigint unsigned NULL | |
company_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
prefix | varchar(192) NULL | |
first_name | varchar(192) NULL | |
last_name | varchar(192) NULL | |
varchar(190) | ||
timezone | varchar(192) NULL | |
address_line_1 | varchar(192) NULL | |
address_line_2 | varchar(192) NULL | |
postal_code | varchar(192) NULL | |
city | varchar(192) NULL | |
state | varchar(192) NULL | |
country | varchar(192) NULL | |
ip | varchar(20) NULL | |
latitude | decimal(10,8) NULL | |
longitude | decimal(10,8) NULL | |
total_points | int unsigned [0] | |
life_time_value | int unsigned [0] | |
phone | varchar(50) NULL | |
status | varchar(50) [subscribed] | |
contact_type | varchar(50) NULL [lead] | |
source | varchar(50) NULL | |
avatar | varchar(192) NULL | |
date_of_birth | date NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
last_activity | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# fc_tags
Storing the tags information
Column | Type | Comment |
id | int unsigned Auto Increment | |
title | varchar(192) | |
slug | varchar(192) | |
description | tinytext NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# fc_lists
Storing the lists information
Column | Type | Comment |
id | int unsigned Auto Increment | |
title | varchar(192) | |
slug | varchar(192) | |
description | tinytext NULL | |
is_public | tinyint(1) NULL [0] | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# _fc_subscriber_pivot
Pivot Table for subscriber's tag and list relationship
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
subscriber_id | bigint unsigned | |
object_id | bigint unsigned | |
object_type | varchar(50) | |
status | varchar(50) NULL | |
is_public | tinyint(1) [1] | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# _fc_subscriber_meta
Meta table for subscribers
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
subscriber_id | bigint unsigned | |
created_by | bigint unsigned | |
object_type | varchar(50) NULL [option] | |
key | varchar(192) | |
value | longtext NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# _fc_subscriber_notes
Subscriber's Note table
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
subscriber_id | bigint unsigned | |
parent_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
created_by | bigint unsigned NULL | |
status | varchar(50) NULL [open] | |
type | varchar(50) NULL [note] | |
is_private | tinyint NULL [1] | |
title | varchar(192) NULL | |
description | longtext NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# _fc_subscriber_notes
Subscriber's Note table
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
subscriber_id | bigint unsigned | |
parent_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
created_by | bigint unsigned NULL | |
status | varchar(50) NULL [open] | |
type | varchar(50) NULL [note] | |
is_private | tinyint NULL [1] | |
title | varchar(192) NULL | |
description | longtext NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# _fc_campaigns
Campaigns Table. This table store email campaigns, sequence emails, email action from automation
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
parent_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
type | varchar(50) [campaign] | |
title | varchar(192) | |
available_urls | text NULL | |
slug | varchar(192) | |
status | varchar(50) | |
template_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
email_subject | varchar(192) NULL | |
email_pre_header | varchar(192) NULL | |
email_body | longtext | |
recipients_count | int [0] | |
delay | int NULL [0] | |
utm_status | tinyint(1) NULL [0] | |
utm_source | varchar(192) NULL | |
utm_medium | varchar(192) NULL | |
utm_campaign | varchar(192) NULL | |
utm_term | varchar(192) NULL | |
utm_content | varchar(192) NULL | |
design_template | varchar(192) NULL | |
scheduled_at | timestamp NULL | |
settings | longtext NULL | |
created_by | bigint unsigned NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# _fc_campaign_emails
Store individual emails of a campaign
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
campaign_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
email_type | varchar(50) NULL [campaign] | |
subscriber_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
email_subject_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
email_address | varchar(192) | |
email_subject | varchar(192) NULL | |
email_body | longtext NULL | |
email_headers | text NULL | |
is_open | tinyint(1) [0] | |
is_parsed | tinyint(1) [0] | |
click_counter | int NULL | |
status | varchar(50) [draft] | |
note | text NULL | |
scheduled_at | timestamp NULL | |
email_hash | varchar(192) NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# _fc_campaign_url_metrics
Email Open/Click Tracking Table
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
url_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
campaign_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
subscriber_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
type | varchar(50) NULL [click] | |
ip_address | varchar(30) NULL | |
country | varchar(40) NULL | |
city | varchar(40) NULL | |
counter | int unsigned [1] | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# _fc_sequence_tracker
Tracking Database for Email Sequences
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
campaign_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
last_sequence_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
subscriber_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
next_sequence_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
status | varchar(50) NULL [active] | |
type | varchar(50) NULL [sequence_tracker] | |
last_executed_time | timestamp NULL | |
next_execution_time | timestamp NULL | |
notes | text NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# _fc_funnels
Automation / Funnel Storage Table
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
type | varchar(50) [funnel] | |
title | varchar(192) | |
trigger_name | varchar(150) NULL | |
status | varchar(50) NULL [draft] | |
conditions | text NULL | |
settings | text NULL | |
created_by | bigint unsigned NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# _fc_funnel_sequences
Automation / Funnel Sequences Storage Table
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
funnel_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
parent_id | bigint unsigned NULL [0] | |
action_name | varchar(192) NULL | |
condition_type | varchar(192) NULL | |
type | varchar(50) NULL [sequence] | |
title | varchar(192) NULL | |
description | varchar(192) NULL | |
status | varchar(50) NULL [draft] | |
conditions | text NULL | |
settings | text NULL | |
note | text NULL | |
delay | int unsigned NULL | |
c_delay | int unsigned NULL | |
sequence | int unsigned NULL | |
created_by | bigint unsigned NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# _fc_funnel_subscribers
Funnel Sequence - Funnel - Subscriber Relationship DB Table
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
funnel_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
starting_sequence_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
next_sequence | bigint unsigned NULL | |
subscriber_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
last_sequence_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
next_sequence_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
last_sequence_status | varchar(50) NULL [pending] | |
status | varchar(50) NULL [active] | |
type | varchar(50) NULL [funnel] | |
last_executed_time | timestamp NULL | |
next_execution_time | timestamp NULL | |
notes | text NULL | |
source_trigger_name | varchar(192) NULL | |
source_ref_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# _fc_funnel_metrics
Funnel Sequence - Tracking Table for a subscriber
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
funnel_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
sequence_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
subscriber_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
benchmark_value | bigint unsigned NULL [0] | |
benchmark_currency | varchar(10) NULL [USD] | |
status | varchar(50) NULL [completed] | |
notes | text NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# fc_contact_relations
This table will be available for extended ecommerce module if you sync the data from Ecommerce / LMS
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
subscriber_id | bigint unsigned | |
provider | varchar(100) | |
provider_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
first_order_date | timestamp NULL | |
last_order_date | timestamp NULL | |
total_order_count | int NULL [0] | |
total_order_value | decimal(10,2) NULL [0.00] | |
status | varchar(100) NULL | |
commerce_taxonomies | longtext NULL | |
commerce_coupons | longtext NULL | |
meta_col_1 | mediumtext NULL | |
meta_col_2 | mediumtext NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# fc_contact_relation_items
This table will be available for extended ecommerce module if you sync the data from Ecommerce / LMS for storing individual record for ecommerce / LMS contacts
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
subscriber_id | bigint unsigned | |
relation_id | bigint unsigned | |
provider | varchar(100) | |
origin_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
item_id | bigint unsigned | |
item_sub_id | bigint unsigned NULL | |
item_value | decimal(10,2) NULL | |
status | varchar(100) NULL | |
item_type | varchar(100) NULL | |
meta_col | mediumtext NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# fc_smart_links
For storing SmartLinks and it's configuration
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
title | varchar(192) NULL | |
short | varchar(192) NULL | |
target_url | text NULL | |
actions | text NULL | |
notes | text NULL | |
contact_clicks | int NULL [0] | |
all_clicks | int NULL [0] | |
created_by | bigint unsigned NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# fc_url_stores
For storing Email Long Links and short links for tracking
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
url | tinytext | |
short | varchar(50) | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |
# fc_meta
For storing CRM settings
Column | Type | Comment |
id | bigint unsigned Auto Increment | |
object_type | varchar(50) | |
object_id | bigint NULL | |
key | varchar(192) | |
value | longtext NULL | |
created_at | timestamp NULL | |
updated_at | timestamp NULL |