# FluentCRM Database Schema

FluentCRM Core Advanced

FluentCRM use custom database tables to store all the CRM data. Here are the list of database tables and it's schema to understand overall database design and related data attributes of each model.

# Schema Design

Schema Design

# Database Tables

# _fc_subscribers Table

This table store the basic information of a contact

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
user_idbigint unsigned NULL
hashvarchar(90) NULL
contact_ownerbigint unsigned NULL
company_idbigint unsigned NULL
prefixvarchar(192) NULL
first_namevarchar(192) NULL
last_namevarchar(192) NULL
timezonevarchar(192) NULL
address_line_1varchar(192) NULL
address_line_2varchar(192) NULL
postal_codevarchar(192) NULL
cityvarchar(192) NULL
statevarchar(192) NULL
countryvarchar(192) NULL
ipvarchar(20) NULL
latitudedecimal(10,8) NULL
longitudedecimal(10,8) NULL
total_pointsint unsigned [0]
life_time_valueint unsigned [0]
phonevarchar(50) NULL
statusvarchar(50) [subscribed]
contact_typevarchar(50) NULL [lead]
sourcevarchar(50) NULL
avatarvarchar(192) NULL
date_of_birthdate NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
last_activitytimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# fc_tags

Storing the tags information

idint unsigned Auto Increment
descriptiontinytext NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# fc_lists

Storing the lists information

idint unsigned Auto Increment
descriptiontinytext NULL
is_publictinyint(1) NULL [0]
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# _fc_subscriber_pivot

Pivot Table for subscriber's tag and list relationship

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
subscriber_idbigint unsigned
object_idbigint unsigned
statusvarchar(50) NULL
is_publictinyint(1) [1]
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# _fc_subscriber_meta

Meta table for subscribers

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
subscriber_idbigint unsigned
created_bybigint unsigned
object_typevarchar(50) NULL [option]
valuelongtext NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# _fc_subscriber_notes

Subscriber's Note table

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
subscriber_idbigint unsigned
parent_idbigint unsigned NULL
created_bybigint unsigned NULL
statusvarchar(50) NULL [open]
typevarchar(50) NULL [note]
is_privatetinyint NULL [1]
titlevarchar(192) NULL
descriptionlongtext NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# _fc_subscriber_notes

Subscriber's Note table

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
subscriber_idbigint unsigned
parent_idbigint unsigned NULL
created_bybigint unsigned NULL
statusvarchar(50) NULL [open]
typevarchar(50) NULL [note]
is_privatetinyint NULL [1]
titlevarchar(192) NULL
descriptionlongtext NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# _fc_campaigns

Campaigns Table. This table store email campaigns, sequence emails, email action from automation

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
parent_idbigint unsigned NULL
typevarchar(50) [campaign]
available_urlstext NULL
template_idbigint unsigned NULL
email_subjectvarchar(192) NULL
email_pre_headervarchar(192) NULL
recipients_countint [0]
delayint NULL [0]
utm_statustinyint(1) NULL [0]
utm_sourcevarchar(192) NULL
utm_mediumvarchar(192) NULL
utm_campaignvarchar(192) NULL
utm_termvarchar(192) NULL
utm_contentvarchar(192) NULL
design_templatevarchar(192) NULL
scheduled_attimestamp NULL
settingslongtext NULL
created_bybigint unsigned NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# _fc_campaign_emails

Store individual emails of a campaign

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
campaign_idbigint unsigned NULL
email_typevarchar(50) NULL [campaign]
subscriber_idbigint unsigned NULL
email_subject_idbigint unsigned NULL
email_subjectvarchar(192) NULL
email_bodylongtext NULL
email_headerstext NULL
is_opentinyint(1) [0]
is_parsedtinyint(1) [0]
click_counterint NULL
statusvarchar(50) [draft]
notetext NULL
scheduled_attimestamp NULL
email_hashvarchar(192) NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# _fc_campaign_url_metrics

Email Open/Click Tracking Table

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
url_idbigint unsigned NULL
campaign_idbigint unsigned NULL
subscriber_idbigint unsigned NULL
typevarchar(50) NULL [click]
ip_addressvarchar(30) NULL
countryvarchar(40) NULL
cityvarchar(40) NULL
counterint unsigned [1]
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# _fc_sequence_tracker

Tracking Database for Email Sequences

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
campaign_idbigint unsigned NULL
last_sequence_idbigint unsigned NULL
subscriber_idbigint unsigned NULL
next_sequence_idbigint unsigned NULL
statusvarchar(50) NULL [active]
typevarchar(50) NULL [sequence_tracker]
last_executed_timetimestamp NULL
next_execution_timetimestamp NULL
notestext NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# _fc_funnels

Automation / Funnel Storage Table

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
typevarchar(50) [funnel]
trigger_namevarchar(150) NULL
statusvarchar(50) NULL [draft]
conditionstext NULL
settingstext NULL
created_bybigint unsigned NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# _fc_funnel_sequences

Automation / Funnel Sequences Storage Table

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
funnel_idbigint unsigned NULL
parent_idbigint unsigned NULL [0]
action_namevarchar(192) NULL
condition_typevarchar(192) NULL
typevarchar(50) NULL [sequence]
titlevarchar(192) NULL
descriptionvarchar(192) NULL
statusvarchar(50) NULL [draft]
conditionstext NULL
settingstext NULL
notetext NULL
delayint unsigned NULL
c_delayint unsigned NULL
sequenceint unsigned NULL
created_bybigint unsigned NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# _fc_funnel_subscribers

Funnel Sequence - Funnel - Subscriber Relationship DB Table

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
funnel_idbigint unsigned NULL
starting_sequence_idbigint unsigned NULL
next_sequencebigint unsigned NULL
subscriber_idbigint unsigned NULL
last_sequence_idbigint unsigned NULL
next_sequence_idbigint unsigned NULL
last_sequence_statusvarchar(50) NULL [pending]
statusvarchar(50) NULL [active]
typevarchar(50) NULL [funnel]
last_executed_timetimestamp NULL
next_execution_timetimestamp NULL
notestext NULL
source_trigger_namevarchar(192) NULL
source_ref_idbigint unsigned NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# _fc_funnel_metrics

Funnel Sequence - Tracking Table for a subscriber

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
funnel_idbigint unsigned NULL
sequence_idbigint unsigned NULL
subscriber_idbigint unsigned NULL
benchmark_valuebigint unsigned NULL [0]
benchmark_currencyvarchar(10) NULL [USD]
statusvarchar(50) NULL [completed]
notestext NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# fc_contact_relations

This table will be available for extended ecommerce module if you sync the data from Ecommerce / LMS

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
subscriber_idbigint unsigned
provider_idbigint unsigned NULL
first_order_datetimestamp NULL
last_order_datetimestamp NULL
total_order_countint NULL [0]
total_order_valuedecimal(10,2) NULL [0.00]
statusvarchar(100) NULL
commerce_taxonomieslongtext NULL
commerce_couponslongtext NULL
meta_col_1mediumtext NULL
meta_col_2mediumtext NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# fc_contact_relation_items

This table will be available for extended ecommerce module if you sync the data from Ecommerce / LMS for storing individual record for ecommerce / LMS contacts

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
subscriber_idbigint unsigned
relation_idbigint unsigned
origin_idbigint unsigned NULL
item_idbigint unsigned
item_sub_idbigint unsigned NULL
item_valuedecimal(10,2) NULL
statusvarchar(100) NULL
item_typevarchar(100) NULL
meta_colmediumtext NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

For storing SmartLinks and it's configuration

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
titlevarchar(192) NULL
shortvarchar(192) NULL
target_urltext NULL
actionstext NULL
notestext NULL
contact_clicksint NULL [0]
all_clicksint NULL [0]
created_bybigint unsigned NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# fc_url_stores

For storing Email Long Links and short links for tracking

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL

# fc_meta

For storing CRM settings

idbigint unsigned Auto Increment
object_idbigint NULL
valuelongtext NULL
created_attimestamp NULL
updated_attimestamp NULL