# FluentCRM Filter Hooks

FluentCRM Core Intermediate

FluentCRM has many interesting filer hooks that let developers change default settings and even extend FluentCRM with new functionality.

# What are Filter Hooks

A hook is a feature that allows developers to manipulate functionality without modifying core files. A hook can help developers inject some functions or edit default settings.

Filter hooks are used to return modified values for certain parameters, based on different factors.

# Available Filter Hooks

# General Filters

# fluent_crm/will_auto_unsubscribe

# fluent_crm/is_simulated_mail

# fluent_crm/countries

# Frontend Filters

# fluent_crm/unsubscribe_texts

# fluent_crm/unsub_response_message

# fluent_crm/unsub_redirect_url

# fluent_crm/double_optin_options

# fluent_crm/pref_labels

# fluent_crm/pref_form_fields

# fluent_crm/show_unsubscribe_on_pref

# fluent_crm/double_optin_email_subject

# fluent_crm/double_optin_email_body

# Admin Dashboard Filters

# fluent_crm/dashboard_stats

# fluent_crm/dashboard_notices

# fluent_crm/sales_stats

# Other Useful Filters

# fluent_crm/enable_unsub_header

# fluent_crm/email_headers

# fluent_crm/enable_mailer_to_name

# fluent_crm/user_permissions

# fluent_crm/default_email_design_template

# fluent_crm/contact_name_prefixes

# fluent_crm/woo_purchase_sidebar_html

# fluent_crm/edd_purchase_sidebar_html

# fluent_crm/incoming_webhook_data

# fluent_crm/webhook_contact_data